Business Storytelling Coach

Do One Of These Three Things To Share Your Story

When my clients think about stories for their business, they immediately think about written stories. However, stories aren’t just for those who write. 

Why People Go Off A Tangent When Sharing A Story

Picture this: you have learned the power of storytelling and have decided to share more stories with the people you meet. So you go ahead and share, after five minutes you are still at it, after 10 minutes you are still talking and before you know it, you have done a monologue and have no…
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In business and storytelling slow and steady is better than fast and furious

This is the true story of how looking at snails going super fast, made me realise that in business and storytelling slow and steady is better than fast and furious.    Slow and steady means you still get to your destination  I was walking to the gym one morning. It had been raining during the…
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The one question you don’t have to ask yourself to find your story

When people working with me start to reflect on their stories, they immediately ask one question that doesn’t actually help them. Instead of doing just like them, keep reading and discover how to actually find your story.    Skip this question   What would you answer me if I were to ask you: what’s your…
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One thing storytelling workshop won’t teach you

Whenever I read, hear or see the word “storytelling”, I’m wired to respond. Which means that I’ve followed workshops, read books and posts about storytelling. And in all the years of working as a business storytelling coach, I realized there is one thing storytelling workshops don’t teach you.  What everyone focuses on  When it comes…
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Background is pink and a Black woman is holding her face looking up

Three reasons why you need to find a guide to tell your story

In this post, I want to share three reasons why you need to find a guide to tell your story as soon as possible