Tag: featured

Business Storytelling Coach

Dreams blog picture kabutakapua

Lessons Learned From a Year Spent Working Towards My Dreams

It’s the end of the year, which means it’s time to look back at 2019 to reflect. Without further ado, here are the lessons I have learned from a year spent working towards my dreams.  Do something that scares you (every day) to remind yourself how awesome you are and how much you can get…
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communication without purpose is a waste of energy

Communication Without Purpose Is a Waste of Energy

One of the biggest achievements of 2019, has been running my first 5KM race. In preparation for the big event, I trained. I woke up every morning when everyone was still asleep, Nike run training in my ears, start walking then jogging and eventually running. Each session I had an objective: run without stopping, run…
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How to Have an Impact by Sharing Your Joy: a Changemaker Tutorial

“Do you have any luggage to check in?” The hostess asks me. She is incomprehensibly annoyed and doesn’t make eye contact. I answer: “None”. That’s when she stares at me surprised and repeats: “None??” I can tell what she is really asking is you’re travelling to Africa, how can you have no luggage to check…
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change makers blog post communication diy kabutakapua

5 tips to self-make your communication if you are a change-maker

In a conversation over Instagram Tomi Makanjuola shared with me the five tips to self-make your communication if you are a change-maker. Tomi is a chef and the founder of The Vegan Nigerian, a blog and company approaching Nigerian food from a whole different angle: veganism. As reported by the pan-African platform This is Africa:…
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communication is about spreading love blog post ngalula kabutakapua

5 Ways You Can Spread Love in Your Communication

One of the first hashtag I saw when joining Instagram was something related to suicide. At the time it seemed to confirm the idea that maybe that platform wasn’t for me but now I realise that wasn’t my usual solution-based reaction. For the past couple of months I have been running a Facebook live show…
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Communication is a quiet revolution kabutakapua blog

Communication is a quiet revolution

Hands up if you have heard this one before: if you want to be heard you have to SCREAM. Where scream doesn’t necessarily mean with your voice but with every other feature we use to communicate: clothes, music, colours, personality. I certainly did. And for a while I beat myself up because I wasn’t loud…
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