Author: Ngalula Beatrice Kabutakapua

Business Storytelling Coach

Why Storytelling Doesn’t Come Easy To Everyone Ngalula Beatrice Kabutakapua

Why Storytelling Doesn’t Come Easy To Everyone

Storytelling is an art that we are all capable of. But that doesn’t mean it’s an easy skill to relearn. You’ll need to take some action

In Business Storytelling The Surface Doesn’t Matter

In Business Storytelling The Surface Doesn’t Matter

“The Storyteller!” That’s how she remembered me. That’s how many people remember me. And images of Ted Talks, copywriting and books come to their minds. Because that’s what they associate with business storytelling: the hand gesture, the voice, the performance of telling a story. But that’s the surface. Learn more about business storytelling, signup to…
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Beatrice Kabutakapua Seven Stories Worth Sharing About 2020

Seven Stories Worth Sharing About 2020

The end of a year is often a reflective time. Even more so, if that year was 2020. We have faced unexpected circumstances throughout this year with the worldwide pandemic that hit us personally and professionally. But even amidst the darkness, the change, the unexpected, there are stories to tell. In fact, you should think…
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The reason why your business story doesn’t define who you are blog post by Storytelling Business coach Beatrice Ngalula Kabutakapua

The reason why your business story doesn’t define who you are

Your business story is an ensemble of lessons you have learned from failing, succeeding, studying, living and existing as a human being but it doesn’t define who you are

Four reasons why you need to take a break from sharing your story Ngalula Kabutakapua

Four reasons why you need to take a break from sharing your story

Sharing your business story is like singing a song you’ve written and doing that over and over again: you share a piece of yourself with the world and spend energy while doing it. And you need that energy to pass on emotion to your audience. So here are four reasons why you need to take…
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The truth about why you always have to start with a story Beatrice Ngalula Kabutakapua storytelling coach

The Truth About Why You Always Have to Start With a Story 

Are you stuck on what to write for your next blog post?