Business Storytelling Coach

change makers blog post communication diy kabutakapua

5 tips to self-make your communication if you are a change-maker

In a conversation over Instagram Tomi Makanjuola shared with me the five tips to self-make your communication if you are a change-maker. Tomi is a chef and the founder of The Vegan Nigerian, a blog and company approaching Nigerian food from a whole different angle: veganism. As reported by the pan-African platform This is Africa:…
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communication is about spreading love blog post ngalula kabutakapua

5 Ways You Can Spread Love in Your Communication

One of the first hashtag I saw when joining Instagram was something related to suicide. At the time it seemed to confirm the idea that maybe that platform wasn’t for me but now I realise that wasn’t my usual solution-based reaction. For the past couple of months I have been running a Facebook live show…
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women of colour discussing in a meeting room

Three steps to a clearer communication

“I went to a workshop a few days ago and I was told if I wanted to step up my game with Instagram, I had to get in touch with hundred people every day. “How am I going to do that? I have family and a freelance job!” This was a new friend of mine…
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How To Make Dreams A Reality

As a freelance professional, I have the opportunity to work from home and many other places with a good wifi, nice coffee and an inspiring ambience. Office nomadism is part of the characteristics of my work and also a source of inspiration for the reflections on communication that I share through my newsletter. Which is…
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Instinct will save your communication strategy: Van Praet Quote

Throughout my career in marketing and advertising, I have worked on every side of the market research and strategic planning industries […] what I have seen is that […] beyond the instruction of market research, to act with instinct and intuition has proven the most fruitful.  Van Praet, D. Unconscious branding. Palgrave Macmillan, p XI 

What a toddler book taught me about listening

To communicate or not to communicate. To listen or not to listen. It might not sound like a constant struggle, a battle. Yet, when faced with the choice of opening up ourselves or avoid deeper discussions, more often than not we decide to go for the small talk. This can lead to shallow conversations and…
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