Business Storytelling Coach

How To Get More Likes on Facebook

London was just waking up when I took a ride with a complete stranger to get to an interview to Oxford. The air was pungent but warm, more than I could ever remember in London. The quiet order of the 5am streets punched with the memory of the night before, fighting to convince my son…
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women of colour discussing in a meeting room

Why I’m using Pay What You Can model for a communication workshop

One of the most formative experiences of my adult life has been moving from Rome to Cardiff, in Wales, to study international journalism. The whole process was very new to me: living without my family in a foreign country; sharing the house with flatmates from all over the world; managing serious finance.  Because I’m obsessed…
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The biggest problem about charity communication and how you can fix it

Before moving to the UK, my concept of charity was: helping out homeless people outside Termini station in Rome; organising festive dinners for people who otherwise would have spent way too much time alone; fundraise for young students like me who could not afford an education.  Everything about it was local, simple, immediate.  Yet, once…
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