Business Storytelling Coach

what makes a great blog post facebook video beatrice kabutakapua

What makes a great blog post?

A cousin guide to dating. Rassegna Stampa. Tell it to Bea. Khorakhanè. My great blog posts The above is a selection of the many blogs I owned and managed throughout the years. It was back in the 2005/2006 when I started and I was using the blue and white MSN platform, which now sounds so…
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Beatrice Ngalula Kabutakapua talking on facebook communication audience

How to find your ideal audience

In 1998 my best friend changed. She had absorbed an obsession that kept her glued to written pages, laid on a bed. To my surprise she wasn’t the only one. Other friends of the same age had developed the same obsession. What a surprise was in the end to discover that the contagion had spread…
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Do this one thing if you want people to know what you’re doing

“Did I have this conversation with you?” That was one of the most common phrases of my flatmate during my university years in the UK. She would have conversations on anything with anyone and brainstorm about the latest things she discovered. As a minimalist communicator I found that inspiring and I brought that lesson with…
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Ngalula Beatrice Kabutakapua communication consultant Facebook Live workshop

If you want to say something, just say it

If you want to say something, just say it. Sounds repetitive and simple, yet how many time I wished I had this sentence sculpted into my brain so that I wouldn’t forget. I would have loved to have it sculpt in my brain that day when I said “Excuse me” to the passing-by man working…
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women of colour discussing in a meeting room

Three steps to a clearer communication

“I went to a workshop a few days ago and I was told if I wanted to step up my game with Instagram, I had to get in touch with hundred people every day. “How am I going to do that? I have family and a freelance job!” This was a new friend of mine…
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How To Make Dreams A Reality

As a freelance professional, I have the opportunity to work from home and many other places with a good wifi, nice coffee and an inspiring ambience. Office nomadism is part of the characteristics of my work and also a source of inspiration for the reflections on communication that I share through my newsletter. Which is…
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