Why you should experiment with your communication and how to do it
Isn’t it odd how try something new can make us feel so unsettled?
Isn’t it odd how try something new can make us feel so unsettled?
“Bea, the best things in life take timeâ€. That was my friend Yuhong back at graduate school. I can’t even remember what was the context in which she said that I had to be patient, but I know from time to time I have to re-listen to those words. As change-makers, we itch for change…
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One of the most difficult things in life is to start, take action. Start eating healthy, start writing the book, start doing sport, start being kinder … What if that taking action meant deleting everything you have done before and re-start from scratch again? In our daily lives, it might mean changing the city, circle…
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What have you shared in 2019 that really made a difference? You can tell because is the blog post that had more hits, the social media post with more comments, the newsletter with the higher click rate, the video after which people sent you grateful messages. For me, what I share aims to help changemakers…
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Every night before going to bed or early in the morning when everyone else is still sleeping, my routine training session starts. I pick up a book from the bed-stand shelf and feed my brain, one chapter a day. For me is an informal way to keep updated on communication and marketing to offer always…
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It’s the end of the year, which means it’s time to look back at 2019 to reflect. Without further ado, here are the lessons I have learned from a year spent working towards my dreams. Do something that scares you (every day) to remind yourself how awesome you are and how much you can get…
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