7 Inspirational Contents for Changemakers

7 Inspirational Contents for Changemakers

You Got this Photo Kabutakapua blog communication

What have you shared in 2019 that really made a difference? You can tell because is the blog post that had more hits, the social media post with more comments, the newsletter with the higher click rate, the video after which people sent you grateful messages. 

For me, what I share aims to help changemakers using communication tools to tell their stories and achieve their goals quicker, efficiently and in a more authentic way. Usually, the content I produce primarily passes by my newsletter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Having recently learned about the importance of repurposing content I thought it makes sense to share with you 7 inspirational contents I shared in 2019 that had an impact on the changemakers within my networks. 

1. “I’m done, nobody cares about what I do.” 

If you are fed up with trying and trying and can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel 

“I’m done, nobody cares about what I do.” 

You know how many times I said that to myself? I lost count. ðŸ˜«

The first time it was when I was producing a documentary to fight the stereotypical image media have about migrants from Africa. And then again the year after, and the year after that. 

Every year I go through the same process of putting all my energy into a project. And every year I feel like I’m running on a treadmill, going nowhere. 

That’s when I take a break. Think again why I’m doing what I’m doing.

🌠 And then, the magic happened: the documentary I worked on starts bouncing allover the world, I train young students in Italy, the UK, the US. I’m invited to run workshops in three continents and asked to write books chapter. 

Yes, yes, yes, my bank account is happier but gosh my heart is feeling even better. Clarity made me understand how much powerful it is to make a difference in people’s life. â™¥ï¸

We all are this powerful ðŸ”¥ We can all make a difference, you’re probably doing that now. And there isn’t one single best way to do that, no matter what EVERYONE else says. You don’t have to be someone else, you don’t have to change your personality. Who you are is enough. 

Getting routinely lost in the dark helped me to create a system that I called SHAPE and that’s the way I make sure I get out of the dark.


2. When you forget who you are, you forget where you’re going

If you feel you have lost yourself along the way n’t given much attention to you

I had an eureka moment a few weeks back. 

Sitting at my wooden kitchen table, I was getting ready to facilitate a workshop on communication and outreach for a 12-people group of media professionals. 

As I laid out day number one, I included three elements that EVERYONE should always take into consideration whenever they start anything really, but specifically a business or social project. Having a grasp of those three puts you halfway to the work because then you know which style to apply, how to apply it, what not to consider. 

And once you know those three elements, you know who you are. Yes, really! 

Once you know who you are is so MUCH easier to keep your eyes on the prize and focus on where you’re going. 

I mention this three pivotal elements in the video, so go ahead and watch it. Try to find your three elements. 

Then come back here and share share share! What are the three things that define you?


3. Don’t Give People Your Titles, Tell Them What You Do

For the next time you’ll meet someone who doesn’t know what you do

Her: “What do you do?”
Me: (with confidence and pride) “I am a communication and digital marketing consultant” 


Her: “So you build websites?”


Me: “hmm actually no … I help people to communicate better so that they can achieve their business goals”
Her: “Ah, ok”

Is it though? Not really, that’s why I wanted to share this pearl of wisdom with you  

ps: what do *you* do? Share it in the comments


4. Be Proud of What You Do and Scream It to the World

For all the times you shrank because “they don’t care about what I do”

My dear friends, 
What do you do? I mean, how do you help people with your work? 

Before you answer, take your phone and select the stopwatch. 
Ready, steady, go! How long did it take you to tell me what you do? 

As entrepreneurs, changemakers, result-oriented people we often forget of the importance of sharing clearly what we do. We might think: 

  •  people aren’t really interested
  •  I don’t want to show off
  •  what I do is not the point, the result is

At an event a couple of days ago, a young entrepreneur was going to ask a question, just before that she “introduced” herself. But she literally ate her words as she mentioned the name of her social enterprise and her own name. Yet, her question was really clear … what a pity not knowing what she was up to! 

So, guess what? People do care and you are not showing off when sharing what you do so pleeeease, show your pride whenever talking about your amazing activities, speak clearly and LOUDLY

And take your time. 

Now, let’s try this again. What do you do? 
Time yourself 

Share in the comment, what it is that you do? 
Tag three people who are doing amazing things the world should know about



5. Five tips to self make your communication if you are a changemaker

If you are managing social media, doing the PR, outreaching … and could use some guidance to avoid going crazy 

Last week I had an amazing chat with Tomi Makanjuola, chef and founder at The Vegan Nigerian who was kindly enough to share five tips to self-make your communication and promotion if you are a change-maker
Head on the blog to read more: https://kabutakapua.com/2019/11/26/5-tips-to-self-make-your-communication-if-you-are-a-change-maker/


6. Money Talks

To remind you no matter how dedicated to the cause you are, your expertise has value

When I started out as a journalist I was told to accept anything that came in my way. For free. For very little. For the glory.

I’m still wondering whether that was a good advice or the worst one ever. Simply because, despite having to gain some experience, even after certain achievements, is difficult to shake off the feeling that you don’t NEED to ask for more.

Money is often looked at as a dirty word. Something shameful. Something we shouldn’t mention.

My mother used to tell me that “fair transactions make good friends”. That’s because through a fair transaction, we recognise the value of the offer and we are paying more than what is being offered. We pay for all the trainings, books, learning trips, years of university and experience the person is providing us.

So please, please, please build friendly relationships: offer what is worth and DEMAND what you’re worth.

I’ll be talking about this and more in London at the “Ladies, Wine, Design” event tomorrow

If you want to book me for a speaking session during an event or a training send me a message or email me at comms@kabutakapua.com.

Better now than later

7. “Why have I put myself in this situation?”

Because great, fulfilling, unexpected things happen when you do something that scares you

“Why have I put myself in this situation?”

I thought to myself when I booked 21west and sent invitations to the reading of the first chapter of my unpublished book!

But gosh, it was worth it! I managed to do the reading of the book that talks about how my heritage and identity shapes my approach to communication.

✔I didn’t choke

✔I didn’t cry

✔I didn’t get distracted

In fact it was LEGENDARY And to thank everyone who came I gave a tester session of my storytelling workshops

I’ll do it again once next year (there’s only so much I can bear) and if you want to:

👉 meet inspiring people

👉learn about storytelling

👉enjoy a relaxed, authentic morning

register your interest and I’ll send you the specifics: www.subscribepage.com/cor

The principle of repurposing content is that repetition helps to stick messages in our brain. The more we repeat, re-read, re-write something, the more it will put roots in ourselves. Hence this blog post. What about you, what inspiring content you produced that should be repurposed? Let me know in the comments, put in a social media post and tag me, email it to me. 

ps: do you want to join my changemaker network? Signup to Communication on The Road 

pps: need a speaker or a writer on everything communication, marketing and storytelling related? I’m here to help, send me an email 


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