Business Storytelling Coach

Four reasons why you need to take a break from sharing your story Ngalula Kabutakapua

Four reasons why you need to take a break from sharing your story

Sharing your business story is like singing a song you’ve written and doing that over and over again: you share a piece of yourself with the world and spend energy while doing it. And you need that energy to pass on emotion to your audience. So here are four reasons why you need to take…
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Want to know if your story is worth sharing? Take this Test Beatrice Kabutakapua Storytelling Coach

Want to Know if Your Story is Worth Sharing? Take this Test

It seems like only sad stories are worth sharing. This is an actual comment

the five worst marketing advice I was given Beatrice Kabutakapua storytelling coach

The 5 Worst Marketing Advice I Was Given

When I started my storytelling coaching business I was clear on

when it comes to business storytelling if it doesn’t hurt a little, you are not doing it right Ngalula Beatrice Kabutakapua

Business Storytelling: If It Doesn’t Hurt a Little, You Are Not Doing It Right

How many times have you heard: “tell the story of your business”?

3 Business Stories You Didn't know you could tell

3 Business Stories You Didn’t Know You Could Tell

How do you start incorporating storytelling into your business if you don’t have a story to tell?  Hmm. Wrong questions.  Be kind to yourself and rephrase that question to: which of the many stories related to my business should I select and share?  You might think, “B what are you talking about? I have no…
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About Me Page: 5 Reasons Why You’re Stuck Ngalula Beatrice Kabutakapua Storytelling Coach

About Me Page: 5 Reasons Why You’re Stuck 

About me page. That’s all you can read on the screen of your computer.