Business Storytelling Coach

Be Brave Enough to Be Creative

You know that Error page that appears on the internet when a page cannot be found on a website? While reading my LinkedIn feed, I discovered an organisation called Missing Children Europe, had created an app that converted those 404 error page in poster of missing children. Wow! Right?

Be The Authentic Communicator

It’s been a crazy ride. I remember how it felt when Nobel Prize winners invited in the charity I was working for thanks to the way I shaped their message… and being called for work from people inspired by the authenticity of the stories I shared. It was PRECIOUS! Fast forward to today, and I’ve…
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This TV series will make you understand what storytelling is about

When the screen turns black and the music stops, I’ve already been crying for at least 10 minutes. This is my summarised relationship with NBC TV series, This Is Us, the one tv series that will make you understand what storytelling is about. If my tears are not enough to prove how its storytelling is…
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Instinct will save your communication strategy: Van Praet Quote

Throughout my career in marketing and advertising, I have worked on every side of the market research and strategic planning industries […] what I have seen is that […] beyond the instruction of market research, to act with instinct and intuition has proven the most fruitful.  Van Praet, D. Unconscious branding. Palgrave Macmillan, p XI 

What a toddler book taught me about listening

To communicate or not to communicate. To listen or not to listen. It might not sound like a constant struggle, a battle. Yet, when faced with the choice of opening up ourselves or avoid deeper discussions, more often than not we decide to go for the small talk. This can lead to shallow conversations and…
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Brief Guide: How to film yourself with a smartphone 

Never been much of a selfie girl, in fact, I have never really liked it. Yet, when I started working on the documentary series (IN)VISIBLE CITIES, I found out the excited people following the project online were hungry for more visual insights on our travelling around the world. That’s when I began using my mobile…
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