How to find your ideal audience

How to find your ideal audience

Beatrice Ngalula Kabutakapua talking on facebook communication audience

In 1998 my best friend changed. She had absorbed an obsession that kept her glued to written pages, laid on a bed. To my surprise she wasn’t the only one. Other friends of the same age had developed the same obsession. What a surprise was in the end to discover that the contagion had spread to my doctor, elder family friends, people of all ages and backgrounds were obsessively reading Harry Potter.

People of all ages.

Yet, if you look at it, Harry Potter is rated a middle-grade read which means its audience are children between 9 and 12 years old. Nonetheless, the books and the movies reached an audience beyond that and had an incredible success.

Who’s your audience?

Ever heard this question?

It comes in different shapes and forms and you might have stumbled upon it in one of the following forms:

  • Who’s your client?
  • Who are you doing this for?
  • Who are you hoping to reach?
  • Who reads your stuff?
  • Who listens to your stuff?
  • Who watches your video?

If at any point in your professional life your answer has been: “everyone”, well, welcome to the club!! Been there, said that, guilty.

But I have to say I reformed when I understood why it is so important that to be able to answer any of those questions with a specific profile. Like Harry Potter, everything we produce is thought for a specific group of people. Along the way, we end up reaching other people but the core of our communication should be a niche.

And finding yours is easier than we think. In this video I share what I do to find my ideal audience and what you can do as well.

Beatrice Ngalula Kabutakapua talking on facebook communication audience

Once you have watched the video, make sure to leave a comment and let me know who’s your audience. Share it in the comment, it only takes a sec.


Beatrice B black ink


One Response

  1. […] We are working to see change, to inspire social good. And that can only start by focussing on who you want to speak to, which let’s be honest, is not the entire world […]

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