
What makes a great blog post?

What makes a great blog post?

what makes a great blog post facebook video beatrice kabutakapua

A cousin guide to dating.

Rassegna Stampa.

Tell it to Bea.


My great blog posts

The above is a selection of the many blogs I owned and managed throughout the years. It was back in the 2005/2006 when I started and I was using the blue and white MSN platform, which now sounds so much old-fashioned. Of course my need of online writing was a natural continuation of my prolific journaling (my stack included one personal diary a year, three in common with three different friends, a poem notepad). At the time I wasn’t writing with a specific purpose, nor for a specific audience. I just really needed to let it all out. And I picked up a thing or two along the way.

So, when I was asked in a Facebook group, “what makes a great blog post?”, I instantly felt like I had lots to share on the topic:

  • Be authentic
  • Be clear
  • Reread what you write
  • Add value

And the list goes on and on and you can know all about it by watching the video (click on the gif below).

what makes a great blog post facebook video beatrice kabutakapua

Learn from the best what makes a great blog post

One of the most read blog in the world is that of Seth Godin, a marketing expert with a prolific online presence. He’s the master of value, information, clarity and consistency. And here is his secret:

“I write how I speak. And I never heard anyone having a speaking block”

Do you see what he means?

  1. If you write spontaneously (yet in a good manner and with a purpose), you can never be out of topics
  2. If you are not out of topics, you constantly add value to your audience

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Go and create a great blog post

You have the tools, you have the knowledge, you have the topics (and if you think you don’t, watch this video). Now go and let that great blog post come to life.

Once you’re done, post the link in the comment! We want to give you a damn pat on the back


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